Argor-Heraeus bars contain .999 fine Silver and carry the distinctive Argor-Heraeus Edelmetalle logo along with weight and purity. These bars allow for easy and efficient storage, and typically carry a low premium-to-spot price. Argor-Heraeus is one of the most respected refiners in the Precious Metals industry. Add this new 1 oz Silver bar to your cart today!
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1 oz Silver Bar - Argor Heraeus
- Contains 1 oz of .999 fine Silver.
- Bar comes in protective packaging. Multiples of 20 typically come in custom plastic tubes.
- Obverse: Features a mirrorlike finish with the Argor-Heraeus Edelmetalle logo along with weight and purity.
- Reverse: Argor-Heraeus name in a repeating diagonal pattern.
- Accredited to the Good Delivery List maintained by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA).